Getting started overview

BigAnimal provides two options for setting up and accessing a cloud account for your new database:

Getting started using a BigAnimal cloud account

Use the following high-level steps to set up a BigAnimal account and begin using your new database.

  1. Create an EDB account. For more information see Create an EDB account. After setting up the account, you can access the BigAnimal portal, with all of its features and capabilities.

  2. Create a cluster. When prompted for Where to deploy, select BigAnimal. See Creating a cluster.

  3. Use your cluster. See Using your cluster

Getting started using your own cloud account

Use the following high-level steps to connect BigAnimal to your own cloud account and begin using your new database.

  1. Ensure you have the correct access permissions for your cloud account.

    • AzureGlobal Administrator or Privileged Role Administrator and you must be a Subscription Owner

    • AWSIAMFullAccess policy and ServiceQuotasFullAccess policy

    • Google Cloudroles/owner or at least the following combined roles:

      • roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator

      • roles/iam.serviceAccountKeyAdmin

      • roles/iam.roleAdmin

      • roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin

      • roles/compute.viewer

  2. Create an EDB account. See Create an EDB account.

    1. Go to

    2. Select EDB Account.

    3. Under the login boxes, select Create EDB account.

    4. Complete the required information on the next page. After providing the account request information, you will receive an email from EDB. Finish your account activation by clicking the activation link in the email. The activation link expires in 72 hours.

    5. When prompted, create a password for your new EDB account.

  3. Set up your own identity provider. For more information see Setting up your identity provider.

  4. Set up a CLI. See Using the BigAnimal CLI. Although we recommend using a CLI, it is not essential.

  5. Prepare your cloud to work with BigAnimal. You must do this every time you create a new cluster. The required steps vary by cloud provider:

  6. Connect to your cloud. See Connecting to your cloud.

  7. Activate and manage regions. See Managing regions.

  8. Create a cluster. When prompted for Where to deploy, select Your Cloud Account. See Creating a cluster.

  9. Use your cluster. See Using your cluster.

  10. Optionally, set up private networking to allow you to connect to your cluster from other applications. Depending on your cloud service provider, see one of the following:

  11. Provide access to other users. See Managing user access.